Spring! And Vegan April

It's already April and we are, happily, going around the other side of the seasonal loop. Stark branches are budding small green leaves, the crocuses are out in Washington Square Park, my keds saw the light for the first time in six months, and this weekend I wore a short-sleeve dress without a jacket... hooray for Spring!

March: Yoga, Rainbow Valley, and the Pied Piper

Greetings from Spring Break! From where I stand now, March seems like the absolutely lovely month I know it to truly be (#birthmonthbestmonth). But looking back, the start of the month saw meĀ facing long and stressful days. I ended up skimping on cardio and strength training, reading little more than the allotted 15 mins per … Continue reading March: Yoga, Rainbow Valley, and the Pied Piper

A Look Back on Literary March, An Ode to Tamora Pierce, and the Rules of Vegan April

My last post was on March 1st and it is now April 3rd... which means I owe a great apology to the (very hypothetical) reader who waited with bated breath for the mid-March post that never came. I was in Ithaca for half of spring break and had a brief window back home before I … Continue reading A Look Back on Literary March, An Ode to Tamora Pierce, and the Rules of Vegan April